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Reordering the Modifier Group List


How do you change the order of the Modifier Group List without recreating them?

I have started creating my menu and the modifiers.  The first modifiers I created were the easy ones - Sauce, Salad  etc. Now I am getting to the more complicated menu items that have choices and therefore require item specific modifiers that need to appear on the terminal before the options for sauces & salad. But because I created them afterwards they now appear below sauce & salad. It would appear that the system is set so that they show on the screen in the order that they appear on the Modifier Group List rather than the order that they have been selected for the menu item.

Thanks for a Great system - keep up the good work.

You are correct, there does not seem to be a way to force the modifiers to appear in a certain order.

I have tried even changing the order in the database itself and they still appear in the original order, i will have to check the code to see how modifiers are ordered to see if there is a workaround

The modifier order is as entered.

You can change the order by removing them all and re-entering, or changing the names in the database [MenuItemProperties], logout of SambaPos and log back in to reload the database.
The database should only be modified if you want to change the order - do not try to add more modifiers or you risk corrupting the database.

If you are talking about adding multiple modifiers to an item, then yes the order is as the order the modifiers where created, and does not change.

Emre, this is a bug.

I had the same issue. I modified code to support adding modifier in batch mode so can be done very quickly. 


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