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Is there a way to send order to the kitchen the way it was entered?


2013 User:
For example, the customer orders two cheeseburgers as listed below:

- Cheeseburger with lettuce, tomatoes, onions.
- Cheeseburger with lettuce, mayo, ketchup.

The toppings are free so I have them as gift items, because there has to be a price associated with a product. With the standard Kitchen Printer Template, the above example will be sent to the kitchen as:

2 Cheeseburger
2 Lettuce
1 Mayo
1 Ketchup
1 Tomatoes

Therefore, we do not know what toppings go to which cheeseburger.

Please help me with the setup to handle the custom orders better.

you do not create PRODUCTS for the toppings, you create MODIFIERS

So then when you select the first Cheeseburger you will then have to select the MODIFIERS (ie Lettuce, Tomato, Onion)
Then you select your next Cheeseburger with MODIFIER (ie Lettuce, Mayo, Ketchup)

2013 User:
Thanks evail!  :)

I do have modifiers setup too, but when I select the modifier button I can select only one item. The next modifier selection will over write the previous modifier.

I will take another look at the modifier setup since I know that's the way to do it.

Thanks again evail!

In modifier, there is a configuration to select multiple modifiers.


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