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More Tax for 1 item (and changing tax)


Before i want say, sorry for me english. I spek only Germany or Czech.
This SambaPos ist the best from all opensource pos , but i hawing problem.
I need more Tax 19% for (restaurant) and 7 % for (take it home), this for 1 product.
I having rules and action , but this tax changing for all product in Tiket , not for 1 product in tiket.

Sample: Table 1 having 2 foot in Restaurant und say, this is good, we want 1 more from this foot (take it home).
For this  (take it home) must 7 % Taxe , for Restaurant must 19 % taxe.

I playing with this program 2 weeks, and i have no found good possibility.

The best possibility for me is with modifier (this modifier (take it home)) must change tax only for selected product.
In rules very much miss function.
ticketTag remove,
modifier remove,
Item = Selected.   
Line add to ticket >> condition: TicketTag Value

And one more question.
What is in rules, setting check ?

Than You
End werry much thank you EMREEREN for The best POS
PS: EMREEREN >> add a button donate to homepage

Hello Tom. Welcome to SambaPOS community. We'll continue further development on V3 version. If V2 does not fit your needs you can follow V3 development. It is not stable as V2 but if more people tests it and sends feedback we can reach that state quickly.

On V3 department based tax configuration is possible. Let's try if it solves your need or not. We discuss V3 releated issues on github or new.sambapos.org webiste. You can read more about it here http://new.sambapos.org/en/content/how-report-issues



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