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Recipt printer - wrap long lines

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I have had a look at the print tags here http://doc.sambapos.org/doku.php/en/guide/printformattingcommands

But I could not see how to wrap long lines on printed receipt.

How (or if)is it possible to get a long line to overflow onto next line and then print price.

Any help would be appreciated.

Or is it possible to have full product description on button but print abbreviated print description

ie  button = Bacon and tomato paninii with scrambled eggs & beans

       print =  B&T pannini & scrambled eggs +beans


(I know I could Truncate product description if there was no alternative)

If you use <J> tag the line will not wrap - you need to use <L> or <C> to wrap lines.

To have abbreviated text on the receipt you need to set the Product Name to what you want printed. Use Header Text when creating the menu to show full description. So to quote you, button = Header Text, and print = Product Name

Or you could try this for the printer template - Line Template

             * {PROPERTIES}

This makes the tickets longer as you always print 2 lines per item minimum, but solves your problem another way.

Its possible Emre may have another way that isn't documented.

Hi John,

Yes I found the option for change product and header text in product properties.

I'll have a play around. To be fair Sambapos is a first class piece of software and has more than enough to keep me happy.

I only wish I could program.
I learnt simple basic programming many years but only enough to get through exams.


Hi. It should wrap <J> tag when using with Slip Printer but I forgot to re-enable it while making latest changes with tags. Now it should work fine with 2.79. For long lines it automatically drops second part like John suggested. But you'll not see this effect on port, demo or text printers since they should print on line at a time.

Alternatively you can use Tag field for printing shorter titles. {PRODUCT TAG} prints Tag if not empty. If empty it should print product name instead.

As always,

thanks Emre



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