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Recipt printer - wrap long lines

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--- Quote from: mozhi on March 04, 2012, 05:26:04 am ---How do i  upload the ip configuration to the printer. There is a button near the ethernet port, when i press it it prints

The machine gives a standalone receipt with the below information
MAC Address: 44:A8:C2:00:53:60
Ip Address:
Subnet Mask:
Gateway: < This Ip I set it to my server where DHCp is running)

--- End quote ---

What does it print now?

Computer IP should start with 192.168.0.* too. Can you check that?

it still prints only

My comupter Ip is which is set as the Gateway Ip of the printer

I just install the ethernet pos printer myself and I got the same headache. The manual did not explain much on how to set it up. So, I google around and after a frustrating 2 hours and almost give up. I finally know how to connect it.
First I would assume you already install the driver. (the cd that comes with the printer, otherwise you need to download it and install it)
Second, I would assume you already add the printer to your computer with the ethernet port and put in the gateway ip. (
Finally, here is the tricky part that they did not tell you. You NEED to make a change to your internet tcp/ip to 192.168.0.xxx (where xxx is the number from 2 to 191) or create a new local connection and set the ip manually to 192.168.0.xxx

Hope that will work for you! For me, my internet address and the printer default ip is, so I alter the internet ip to and after that the printer show available and I can print my tickets.


Thanks Leon, but i have actually tried the same, Initially my LAN was in192.168.1.xxx and the printer by default was set to with mask and default gateway to

So i actually changed my LAN to 192.168.0.xxx subnet, this time i was able to ping the printer IP but was not able to print to it.

Think i am skipping some configuration stuff elsewhere.


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