English Boards > Support

error in v2


By chance I happened a mistake and thought I'd report it.
the error occurs when you send a print with a long note on multiple lines.

Noted. Thanks!

I noticed something the other day too.

which is related to modifiers.

eg. Tea (modifier HOT and modifier LIME) rate 30.00
I used PLUS (+) sign to increase quantity to 2. the receipt printed shows 30.00 instead of 60.00 however the totals are correct.

quantity of the item is correctly shown as 2 but the amount of the line item shows as 30.00


I also have this issue..please help to solve this...

You could always perform calculations on the printer template, for example:

[= Format (ToNumber (ToNumber ('{PROP PRICE}') * (ToNumber ('{QUANTITY}'))))]

This will multiply the modifier price by the line quantity ordered, also:

[= Format (ToNumber (ToNumber ('{PRICE}') * (ToNumber ('{QUANTITY}'))))]

This will multiply the line item by quantity, you could also use:

[= Format (ToNumber (ToNumber ('{PROP PRICE}') * (ToNumber ('{PROP QUANTITY}'))))]

This will multiply the modifier price by the quantity of modifier added.

This should be able to account for most circumstances and combinations of modifiers/quantities and this is what I use on my bills and receipts


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