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recommended hardware list?

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It seems like things are scattered around the forum in regards to what hardware everyone is using. I'm heavily considering SambaPOS but can't afford to purchase incompatible or difficult to set up hardware. It would be nice if people post what they're running here and any associated tweaks or config settings.

Touch Screen Monitors (or all in one units)
Credit card swipers
Cash Drawers
Thermal printers
Wireless Thermal printers
Pole Displays


I would also find this useful.
I am about to replace an old cash register with SambaPOS running on an old laptop with a USB reciept printer and cash drawer, and some form of touch screen.
I will probably end up buying the printer, drawer and screen from Amazon.

If anyone can post here what they are using, or a link to a list that would be very helpful as I am going to make a decision in the next few days.

In any case, I will post details of what I buy and if it works here.

Thanks in advance.

I'm setting up a POS system for a small cafe. I'm going to use a laptop as the server and as the main POS but I'm not sure what printers and cash registers to purchase.

What kind of hand held device should I use to run the terminal app? Any suggestions?

It'd be a great help if we can add to the list the hardware items that have worked with SambaPOS.

I had a look around the pictures on facebook, not only can you see the places that use the system most of them also show their own installation and some their handheld devices too.

I have used the following hardware in my setup. It works ok although of course there may be better options.






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