Fully appreciate where you are coming from, being self employed myself the need to eat can be strong factor

So without 'reinventing the wheel', what can be done within the constraints of V2. What is achievable and what will we have to live without until V3. What workarounds do we need.
Customer database already exists, and from your post on promo features, we can manipulate data and run checks using this data.
1. The Customer Database
Fields already setup for customer database
- Customer Name
- Group Code
- Phone
- Address
- Note
- Internal Account
In my case, we do not use caller id - therefore phone field can be used for membership number.
Is it possible to add the following fields that can be accessed thru rules and actions
- Alternate Phone
- Email
- Date of Birth
- Status (boolean or a drop down)
2. Can we select a customer while entering items to a ticket
If using caller id, this would possibly cause issues if someone calls while your taking another customers order.
So how do we avoid this. At the present you can only select a customer by being at the select customer screen, and when in a ticket any number scanned is assumed to be a product barcode.
If we prefix the customer number with a character like '#' or 'M' can SambaPOS be told that this is a customer phone number (aka membership number) and add the customer to the ticket? Under Program Settings you have Weight Barcode, can a membership prefix be defined here?
Existing method using Delivery department works fine, but the above would be a nice feature.
3. Prompt operator of inactive membership (done)
Simple Rule & Action test on Status field to trigger a Message
4. Member discounts, promos, etc (done)
Should be as they are now - just remembering to check Status in the Rules & Actions of all promos
5. Date of Birth Promo
*Member needs to be active & have a date of birth
Can we thru Rule & Action a). prompt the operator that it is the customers birthday and give them a free drink (simple version)
or b). Automatically gift a product or product group (harder version)
6. Renew expired membership (renewal after expiry, never before)
Can we in some way add an item called 'Membership Renewal' (just like any other item) and when the ticket is closed, the customer status is updated to active.
6a. Can we also trigger a print job under this scenario for a card printer.
At the end of the day, if we need to use the transaction reports to see which customers have purchased 'Membership Renewal' and manually change their status to active, then so be it - this is not a big issue.
7. Creating a new membership
Add the customer manually, select 'Membership Renewal' (as in 6 above) and complete transaction as normal.
8. Under Customers in Manage, can we have a table layout (like Price List Editor) for all customer details so we can do mass changes to data easily.
9. New membership year/period
A trigger to reset all customer status to inactive on a certain date or even dates if less than annual memberships
10. Ability to sort Rules as you may need some to execute before others - currently they execute in order created.
What I have learned so far.
Not much

- I can use Customer Group Code for Active/Inactive.
- Notes can be used for Membership type, Phone & Email.
- I can trigger messages based on the content of notes and group code.
- I can trigger discounts for active members. No discount for inactive.
- I can trigger discounts for different member types.
- I can sell membership renewals. Just stuck on a way to automatically update their status to active on payment received.
Food for thought - The Saga continues.......