English Boards > Support

Ticket note


Select Ticket note.

Type text eg "No Onions"

Press Close.

No Onions does not show on ticket or on printed reciept.


If you want "no onions", select the product and add an "extra modifier", it will be printed on the bill and on the kitchen order. "ticket note" appears below the ticket on the posscreen, not on the printed version. :-)
hope that helps a little...

I agree with Will but maybe you'd like to use it for another thing. Did you tried {NOTE} tag for printing ticket note?

Hi All,

I know about modifiers etc. I just used Onions as example, It could be any other thing that needed to added.

I thought Ticket note was a freeform editor that would add text to a ticket. It opens typewriter input that allows you to type text.

Emre, I had not added note to ticket template.

I will try later!



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