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How can i train myself, how to use Samba POS in my restaurant

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I have a restaurant and i want to run samba POS in my restaurant. it seems it can fit in my restaurant but how can i get trained to use it. Is there any tutorial for every possible operational cycle? videos in youtubes are showing partial operations. Please let me know a way around providing proper tutorial or anything which can teach using the software for a starter.
Tawhid Anik

You can start from here:

Thanks to @hlee1988 for this guide.

thanks a lot for ur quick reply, EMRE, but there seems a lots of options, thousands of configuration and dynamic report  designing possibilities. I'm trying them in a trial and error basis. It's a rich open source indeed. but what i'm looking for is a tutorial for all options. Just imagine, i  have a number of clients in my hand but i am afraid whether this quick setup guide is  enough for answering questions about options. Is there any way to communicate developer team or software training team for getting the options?i have gone through the forum issues but these issues are way above my head. I'm so desperate to learn your product. Source Code and software is in my hand but I dont have a guideline.it's like owning a car but not able to drive it for not having the right keys.   :( again special thanx for the efforts u gave for this source and keeping it open source.


Tawhid Anik

Hello Tawhid. Thank you for your interest on SambaPOS project. You are right the quick start guide is just a starting point and there are a lot of features but unfortunately we don't have documentation in that detail. The main reason is even I don't know all possibilities as the lead programmer. On SambaPOS a lot of features abstracted like lego pieces and you can combine them as you need. Because of the abstraction level there are endless combinations so instead of talking about "features" we talk about "cases" here. For example someone asks how to configure SambaPOS for "happy hour" and if it is something very common we document the solution. In fact "happy hour" does not have the same meaning for everyone. So we don't have options like "Sunday Price", "Dining Price", "Weekend Price". SambaPOS even don't have "Happy Hour" feature. We have "price lists" and "triggers" that executes on certain times and activates a price list. You can use same trigger mechanism to e-mail reports to you at certain times or execute any other time based task. V2 version have some limitations because we hard coded most features there (for example payment options, accounts etc.). With V3 we removed most hardcoded parts and it is more flexible.

So Instead of trying to learn all possibilities focus on your needs and try to understand how to configure SambaPOS. When you can't find the answer we'll try to find a solution.

I agree with Emre and that is exactly how I set SambaPos up for my parents restaurant. I looked at what I needed the software to do then with trial and error I put together rules actions and triggers.

I have been able to set up V2 to do exactly what the restaurant needed and only made some small edits to the code where I hit issues my parents were not happy about.

If you need any help just post it on the forums and someone will have a solution.

Not sure if you have had any thoughts with the database but I would start using SQL Server Express from the beginning as you do start to get speed issues with SQL Compact once the database starts getting larger.

I have started testing V3 and setting up as I am happy with V2.


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