Author Topic: Is there a quick guide on how to set up and use the terminal app?  (Read 14822 times)


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I tried to use the Terminal app on the same PC. I can login but it displays only the entered tickets.

When I clicked "New Ticket", I got a blank screen. Should I be able to enter a ticket using the terminal app?

What kind of hardware is expected to run the terminal? If I want to run the terminal app on a network, what setup should be done?

Any help is appreciated. Thanks


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Re: Is there a quick guide on how to set up and use the terminal app?
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2013, 11:50:11 am »
hi Ted.

for single or multi computer settings you can try this one

for hardware, you can check this link >>



  • Newbie
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Re: Is there a quick guide on how to set up and use the terminal app?
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2013, 12:55:30 pm »
Thanks. Will have a look at it.