English Boards > Support

Please how to get a copy of the database from sql server 2008 and Save As .sdf?


For example it may be that my server a problem, how do I save a copy of it from the Management Studio and save the format .sdf?

Do you want to export your SQL server database to the SQL compact edition ?

I dont know a way it can be done in SQL Management Studio without writing your own script.  There are a few third party tools that can accomplish this.

If you just want a backup of the SQL server this can be done in SQL Management studio, right-click on database in left hand pane and select tasks -> backup.

Thanks for answering lemmings, I would not need a backup, but a copy of the server and format .sdf to the following situation, if the server is a problem I will have to use the system with the local database, tried all forms but I can not, I thought this would be a standard feature in Management Studio but it does not have to export as sdf and could not find any other way, I hope you understand because my English is not very good.

I think you'll find the answer under this topic


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