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Currency change


hello, I'd like to know how can I change the currency symbol or: $, €, £, how can I change this part in SAMBAPOS? please help me. Gidy Cazaus

Hello Gidy. SambaPOS reads currency symbol from windows regional settings. But if you need multi currency support it will be possible on V3 release. You can read more about it here http://sambapos.org/docs/doku.php/en/v3/working_with_foreign_currencies

Thank worked fine

thanks for the tip, I managed to change the bite, by region. already now like to expose one more question: after several test and impressions, how do I delete all that movement that was created during the test. need to start working seriously before but I have to remove all movement that walked to do during testing. please somebody help me. Gidy Cazaus

I guess your referring to clearing the test data, if so see this:



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