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No, just to reference the ticket and yes only for the takeout. Thank you.

Ok, what you could do is enable free tagging on Fast Food Department and then you will have a customer name linked to the Take-Away tickets, this name will not be stored.

1.Go to Manage > Ticket Tags > Add Ticket Tag
Complete as per first screen shot below tickettagscreen.jpg, I called the tag Customer and selected two colors to define used and unused.  I also created a couple of sub-tags NoName, Order1 and Order2 in case the customer name is not obtained (you can personalize as you wish), ensure you select Hide on Reports and enable Free Tagging, leave Save Free Tags unticked otherwise you will eventually have a huge list of Customer names as ticket tags and could create further confusion.

2.Go to Manage > Departments > Edit Take-Away Department
You need to add Customer to Ticket Tags for department and change POS Default Ticket Tag to Customer (or whatever you called your ticket tag above) as well, see screen shot departscreen.jpg, this will show the customer name on tickets in Take-Away department.

Now when you open Take-Away Department, you will see the customer ticket tag, when you have selected a new items for a new take-away then select Customer ticket, you screen should look similar to the orderscreen.jpg below. You can either select one of the sub-tags (if you create them) or add in a free-tag with the virtual keyboard.  As stated earlier these tags are not saved so the names will not appear in the sub-tags screen.

You can now close a Take-Away order ticket without Settling first (so now its similar to the Restaurant department).

You can see open tickets by Customer Ticket Tag by selecting the Customer button when you do not have a ticket currently open, see the screenshot, ticketscreen.jpg

Finally if you want to include the Customer ticket tag on the Printer Templates you need to add the following:


This can be added to header (for example) of any printer template.

Hope this is all clear but if you need any help let me know. 


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