English Boards > Support

remove all tables


I want to skip the screen that shows all the table before the start of a sale. Is it possible? Please advise a method to use.

Goto Manage > Departments > Edit Department

In the relevant Department with tables the A-La Carte tickbox will be selected, you can de-select this.

Now when you enter the Restaurant department you will go straight to the menu screen and will see all open tickets, you still have to opportunity to add any open ticket to a table from the options down the left-hand side

Thank you for your reply. But when I tried your suggestion, I can't find the table la-carte thing that your have mentioned. Attached is the screen I got under department management.

Thats because you are using V3 of SambaPos and this forum relates to V2.

There is a dedicated website for V3 - www.sambapos.org.

That said I suspect you dont need tables, therefore you need to remove all table entities in the manage section.


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