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sambapos error, cancel service charge after ticket created


I created a service charge and delivery charge as laid, did an action so that when the client is to be chosen delivery fee was charged, but when I close the ticket and then if I as you want to cancel the fee delivery remains, tried several actions but none works

You are correct.

I dont use service charges myself but have tested and it does not seem possible to remove the service charge on a ticket once created.

V3 may have better support for this

Did you tried using "service action" with zero price?

I did try to use a Service Action with zero price but cannot get this to automatically apply if ticket items are cancelled off.

That said, you could add a ticket tag Remove Service Charge and then apply a rule to the sub-tags say Delivery, Service Fee to invoke an action to zero the relevant fee.

lernoutmaltas:  If you need any help with that I can post you some instructions to set up a button on the ticket menu that will allow you remove any service fees that are applied when the ticket is created.

Hi lemmings, sorry slow to respond, I had tried various options like I had failed I was typing the difference in cash. I'll try again to see if the tip you gave me works now.  :)


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