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A Big Year Ahead


Looking at the forum stats - SambaPOS is in for a really big year!

Not even half way thru January, and already the stats are at 50% of last years total.

Should we start deciding on World SambaPOS Day?

I can only imagine what Emre and the guys are feeling right now. I know I'm excited to see what's next.

Congratulations to the SambaPOS Team.

I agree John, SambaPos offers a fresh look at the POS software that is already on the market both in Paid and free and open source.

Emre came in for a lot of flak when he announced the software project on this forum.


I think he has more than delivered a brilliant piece of software!

Thanks Emre

21 March 2011 is the first commit date of the SambaPOS project. Let's do awesome things until March and celebrate that :)

Done. Its in my calendar.


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