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Current Logged in User Name on receipts

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Is there anyway that the currently logged in user name can be displayed on the receipt and bills.

We are having some issues with staff (the cash drawer being incorrect at the end of the day and of course they all deny any wrong doing) and would like to be able to print the currently logged in staff number at the bottom of the bill and the receipt.

This will tell us exactly what user was in the payment screen when taking the monies from the customer.

I have found the print template tag {USER NAME} but this displays the user that was logged in at the time of creating the ticket so not exactly what I need.

I don't mind adding some code but having started searching through the code I cannot find a reference for the currently logged in user and not sure (yet) how to add this to a printer template.

Before I start coding (for days) just want to make sure there is not a standard setting for this.  Thanks

Having reviewed the code, the printer template tag {USER NAME} only finds the name of the user who created the ticket in question.

I managed to edit the code, so now I have three printer template tags including {USER PAID} - user who logged on when taking current payment, and {USER LOGGEDON} - user who is currently logged on when printing any template.

So now I can track who printed the bill, who took the money and the dates and times by printing this information at the bottom of the printouts

Hi lemmings

How did you manage to overcome this problem?


I had to edit the code for V2 of Sambapos.  I raised it is an enhancement for V3.

The user who takes payment is stored in the SQL table so I just created 2 new printer template variables, one for the user who took payment and one for the currently logged on user.

If your comfortable using Visual Studio I can list the edits or alternatively i can provide the revised build which you can replace with your existing.

I dont think Emre is making edits to V2 to make it an official change as he is concentrating on V3.

lemmings sorry I couldn't find the issue but it is possible on V3 by using {SETTING:CURRENTUSER} printing tag.


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