English Boards > Support

Message server only works in one direction

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Are you running the Message Server Application on each terminal or only one terminal?

I am only running the terminal server on the main computer. Should I run it on the clients as well?

The Message Server should only run on one computer. All others connect to it.

Strange I checked and rechecked....not working. Ik have added the message server port (tcp) to the incomming and outgoing firewall rules. Very strange.

Edit: I found the problem! The client was connected through wifi. When connected by lan everything works as it should.

Thanks JohnS for the help!

Glad its working.

Both LAN & WLAN can have separate firewall settings, which may be the cause of your issues.

Note to forum members :- If you ever have network issues, be it database connection, message server, etc, ALWAYS turn the firewalls OFF (this includes firewalls in internet security software too). On a local network there is no need to have firewalls running - your modem/router is your firewall, and make sure you have a decent password for wifi routers.


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