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Error when connecting TABLET: Access to the port 'COM4' is denied.

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You are a superstar. I would have never worked this out without your help. Thank you very much.

SambaPOS works terrific on a IPAD MINI via RDP app PocketCloud. Strongly Recommend it to anyone wanting to use a tablet to take orders.

Thanks again John!  :)

John, just realised after doing the above the customer display is no longer working on the Till Terminal Either? Any Ideas?

Are you using V2 or V3?

It shouldn't really matter. Take a step back, and remove the Terminal Name condition from the Logon & Logout rules and see if you can atleast get that working.

Are you sure each terminal has its own name set in Local Settings?

Hi John

Its V2.

To be able to change the local settings I'm guessing I need to make another local installation of SambaPOS? and run this copy on the Tablet so it will act as the Tablet Terminal and not conflict with the Customer Display. Correct me if I'm wrong?


After going back thru my configs, I am sure I only had to remove the print jobs from the RDP terminal name within Samba.

Does the Tablet RDP login using the same windows login as the Till or does it use another windows login?
If you are using a second windows login, did you login to that second account, install Samba and configure it as a separate terminal?


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