Hi Emre, no problem at all

I know the employees should correct a ticket before it is closed, and usually they do this the correct way. Although the error rate with Sambapos is much lower then our old one, it sometimes happens that a ticket is presented to a customer, and something is wrong with it.
For example when someone gives a birthday party, and a special price was agreed with the manager. When the wrong ticket is presented to the customer the employee has no option then make a new ticket. It even occasionally happens that a customer returns, after he/she left and paid, with the ticket and ask for a correction.
The scenario from above doesn't happen often, but in case of the birthday party, it can be large amounts.
Edit: thank you for sharing the link btw :-) I already cleared the test data, using Management studio.
Edit2: in our old pos we had the possibility for the superuser to give in a negative ticket. This is I think better then clearing old tickets. With a negative ticket you can correct income by the right income group. The security risk is not that big, because the negative ticket remains in the system.