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Cancel invoice bill



Anyone can tell me if its possible to cancel a SAVE bill on sambapos 2.9.

Due to various reasons, there is no refund or cancel option for a settled ticket.

Print out the ticket in question, write CANCELLED on it, stick it in the cash drawer. When doing the sales figures, make an allowance for it.
Go into Cash Drawer (Main Menu) and enter an Expense Transaction to record the refund. This will show up under the Cash Transactions Report.

Thnx JohnS,
Can i ask, how the inventory will be adjusted?A Settled and Paid ticket may return with the product he/she has purchased, That product must go to corresponding inventory/Warehouse.How can we handle that situation.Or else he/she may want to exchange the product with some other product.What should be the procedure for this kind of situation?

thanx a lot again

You will have to do a manual stock adjustment for returned inventory (Inventory->Transactions), whether its a refund or exchange.
If it's an exchange, then do another sale for the exchanged item.

The refund process is something that needs to be looked at in more detail as it is an unfortunate part of retail business.


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