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Different departments with their own menu


I am trying to set up two departments and each one of them having its own menu selling different items but operate on the same machine. Is it possible? Please advise. I am using version 3.

1. Creat a new Menu (Manage->Products->Menu List)
2. Create a new Ticket Type (Manage->Tickets-Ticket Type) and set POS Menu to the menu you created in step 1
3. Create a new Department (Manage->Settings->Departments) and set Default Ticket Type to the Ticket you created in step 2.

At each stage it is easier to Clone items and make only the changes needed to get it working, then fine tune as you get familiar with the setup required.

If at any stage you cannot see the newly created Menu List, Ticket Type, etc, restart SambaPOS to reload the database and continue.


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