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{DEPARTMENT} Tag in Ticket Template


I'am writing to ask if anyone had any issues with the {DEPARTMENT} tag printing [Undefined] on the printout.

I just added this today, the {DEPARTMENT} tag works for the Restaurant department but only works for Take-Away if the Admin user is logged in.

All other users can negotiate both departments, add tickets, settle tickets.  They can also swap between both departments but if the other users print a take-away ticket the {DEPARTMENT} tag prints as Undefined.

Anyone encountered this


It does not appear to be linked to any user account, this issue appears intermittently on all user role lists but only when Take-Away department selected.

Does the terminal have to be linked to a department as I currently have this blank so that the Terminal > Server can operate both Take-Away and Restaurant from the one till.

Confirmed. I Have the same issue.
2 Departments defined (A-la-Carte & Takeaway), Terminal assigned to Takeaway, and prints [undefined] on receipts.


--- Quote from: lemmings on June 30, 2013, 02:49:00 pm ---Does the terminal have to be linked to a department as I currently have this blank so that the Terminal > Server can operate both Take-Away and Restaurant from the one till.

--- End quote ---

The terminal department can be set and still operate in both departments. But to settle a ticket you must be in the terminals set department.
Are you using RDP with a Tablet?

My system does not work if I set the terminal department, for instance, setting to Restaurant does not allow me to settle take-away orders (as stated in your reply), hence why I have always left it blank.

I have one till at this restaurant so there is no additional tablets.

I today did try changing terminal department to take-away but it still does not print the {DEPARTMENT} tag, it prints [Undefined]


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