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Invoice bill template with change due and tendered amount errror

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I have followed all step given here on this link to set tendered amount and change due but am not able to have it on my invoice it is coming as written in printer template  ,

${TICKETTAG:Change Due}

 can anyone help,please its urgent

I bet you are using V3.

The correct printer template tags to use are

${TICKET TAG:Tendered}
${TICKET TAG:Change Due}

All topics NOT listed under V3 Development relate to SambaPOS V2.
As I get time I will re-write the Quick Reference Guide for V3.

No am using version 2.9 and am no able to set tendered amount and change due in invoice template .....plese anyone can help?

I setup my tendered and change due slightly different and used {SETTING:} rather than {TICKETTAG:} as I found this printer tag did not always record the  paid amount and change due as my set-up prints the receipt to the customer before the ticket is closed.

The instructions on this forum do work and I would double-check all the rules and actions are correct.

Is the document you are trying to print after payment has been accepted

Ticket tags for Tendered & Change Due are set at payment received which means they will show on receipts printed after the payment is made.
If you print the receipt before payment is made the receipt will show nothing for tendered & change due.
Try changing your Rule to update the Ticket Tags on Change Amount Updated instead of Payment Received.

You have missed something in the setup.
If you are NOT using a Pole Display, there is only 2 Actions & 2 Rules needed. As lemmings has stated, this does work even for V3 (with a couple of changes).

Please show us your printer template.


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