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Auto opening a cash drawer when work period starts/ends



is it possible to open cash drawer when starting work periods and ending also?

Yes you can do that.

Set up printjob which opens your cash-drawer.

Set up rule Work Period Starts and Set up Action which executes the printjob you just created.

Make sure the rule invokes the Action for executing printjob.

Do same for ending work period.

Hi lemmings

Thanks for your usual support, can you please guide me how to create the rules and actions to do this...Thanks

Ok here goes

Set up Printer Template, mine is called OpenDrawer, include in the header the code to open the cash draw.

Set up a Print Job and map the OpenDrawer template

Add Action, named OpenDraw, Action Type>Execute Print Job.  Enter Print Job name in Parameters section

Create two rules, first one Event Name>Work Period Started.  Add OpenDraw to Actions, you dont need to add any details on other rules unless you want to restrict the OpenDraw to certain users/terminals.  Second rule Event Name>Work Period Ended, also do the same as first rule.

Now Cash Drawer will fire whenever work period started or ended.


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