English Boards > Support

Users can Display Old Tickets and Totals?

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I have a user called= 'TILL USER' who is associated to the User Role= 'USER'

Now in the Role List for USER, under Ticket Permissions, I have unchecked 'Can Display Old Tickets' Clicked on Save

Shutdown Application and Re-launched. However this User could till log in, click on CLOSE on the Table View, Click on Find Bill, Select ALL Tickets and can then view my total sales, which I'd rather not let the user know.

Please advise if I have missed something here?

I noticed the same thing.

A restricted user can only access the tickets for current day as they are unable to change the date - so perhaps this is the meaning of old tickets ??

Ohh I see,

Now I understand its purely for Old Tickets, but surely there should be a way to at least  not show the total sales count on the bottom?

Anyone has a solution for this?

Yes, I agree.

I have only just come across this problem when starting to restrict a new staff member.  I would say that they should not be able to find any information in the tickets section, but it depends on what you want them to see I suppose.

I will see if there is a solution before having to check the code as it could be a bug

When you untick 'Can Display Old Tickets', it will only let the user see the current work periods tickets. This allows them to reprint tickets if needed.


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