English Boards > Support
Users can Display Old Tickets and Totals?
Is there a way to not show the total ticket value on this section? If the user selects ALL tickets they can see how much the business has turned over for that day. I would class this as confidential.
You can only remove it by editing the source code.
I had the same argument between a caterer and club. My comeback was, its gross sales, not net. No one has any idea what profit each have actually made.
But in saying that, I do see your point. Get your staff to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Most staff will have some idea of your turnover.
I think in the Tickets Permissions, we should be able to de-select show ticket totals?
Any suggestions or workarounds?
As John suggested only solution for v2 is source code modification.
I have no idea on how to modify the source code :-[ to be able to achieve this. Can anyone point me in the right direction...
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