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Kiosk with Kitchen; only want meals to print on kitchen printer



I'm sure this can be done, but just don't know how;

A customer would come to our kiosk to order a Coffee, a Cake and a Snack. The three items are entered and printed on the receipt. They also all three print on the Kitchen printer. I would like only the Snack to appear on the kitchen printer as the Coffee and cake get served direct from the kiosk.
If the next customer does not order anything from the kitchen, it need to not print at all.

How can I set this up?

Also, the Kitchen order is linked to a pager. How can I enter the Pager# on SambaPos, so this is printed on the Kitchen printer together with the cooked order? Is this with a Note, or is there a better way (we have pager#s 1 to 80)



Edit your Kitchen Order print job, and change the Product Group under Print Mapping to just Snacks (or whatever the item group is). If you have many groups for the kitchen, what I have setup in the past is a second kitchen order template and call it Beverages Orders. I added this to the Kitchen orders print job, and selected only the product groups not going to the kitchen, and set the receipt printer for the job. See attached pic.

For your second question. I would use Ticket Tags, and assign the pager that way, and add
<C00>Pager: {TICKETTAG:Pager}
to your kitchen printer template to show as below.

                 Kitchen Order                 
Date: 5/07/2013                    Time:12:29 PM
Table No:                        Ticket No: RT90
                    Pager: 2                   
1x Confit Duck                                 
1x Chicken Breast                               

To speed up adding the Pager numbers to the Ticket Tag (80 is a lot to add at once), enable Free Tagging & Save Free Tags in the Ticket Tag options for the Pager - this allows you to enter a pager number and save it for later, or you can just use Free Tagging every time.

You can also set the POS Default Ticket Tag to Pager in the Restaurant Department settings, that way if you don't select a Table, you will have a list of all the Pager numbers also showing which are free and which are in use.

Thanks John for the quick and very useful reply!

Ok, so product group is best for this. I thought to setup that menu Category = Product group.

As for the Pager, I guess there is no way to 'force' entering a pager if one or more items are of the Meals product group, while blank is allowed when all is processed at the counter?



--- Quote from: Marco on July 04, 2013, 11:17:41 pm ---Ok, so product group is best for this. I thought to setup that menu Category = Product group.

--- End quote ---
Product group is usually what you use for your menu categories, but when it comes to printer templates it is product group that is referenced.

--- Quote from: Marco on July 04, 2013, 11:17:41 pm ---As for the Pager, I guess there is no way to 'force' entering a pager if one or more items are of the Meals product group, while blank is allowed when all is processed at the counter?

--- End quote ---
You can force selection of a Ticket Tag, but only at closing of ticket which means you need to re-print kitchen order to have pager number show up.
Look at this http://forum2.sambapos.org/index.php/topic,1513.msg6933.html#msg6933 for a way around this issue - not perfect but works.
You can have the popup for certain product groups that need to be sent to the kitchen - this may actually work well for your situation.


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