English Boards > Support

Printer not BEEPING on SAMBAPOS Orders?

<< < (2/2)

Try adding to the header section

<XCT 27,7>

to your receipt template.
This sends a BELL command that works on most thermal printers. This will usually cause the printer to do a line feed.

I forgot to add, try <BEEP> in the header section. This may work as well.

Hi John

The BEEP Command Worked a Treat.

Thank you very much.

Is it possible to add the <BEEP> command more than once to generate a longer beep?

try <Bxy> x = count, y = duration. For example <B23> beeps 2 times and beep duration is 3.

Thanks Emre,

That really made a difference as the Beep noise was not strong so I needed to extend it.

Also thanks to John.


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