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Change Price button

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Sorry.. I just wanted to say we need to think about it some more because we might discover a new pattern. Requests and recommendations are the main source of the SambaPOS features so they are very important for me. I need to hear all of them with every possible details but we might not solve the need as requested. That was my intention.

Note: English is not my native language, for this reason my comments might feel formal or annoyed :) I'm happy with every positive, negative comments, requests and even complaints. I hope you can help me on creating a better communication..

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Hi Emre,

Yes I know your first language is Turkish and I find your English very good. Better than my Turkish which is zero.
I write British English which is different from American English.
The problem with written text is there is no body language or sound to give clues to what is being said.

Maybe it would be better to have a kind of voting system where improvement requests are ranked by the amount of votes that are given.

I think some of the requests are already possible through the use of rules/actions.
The problem is how do rules/actions work?
Do rules have If Then properties?
Are rules operate in a linear way (First,Next,Next,End)
What are system variables are available for use similar to Changedue, Total
How are user variables created/ used?

The more I explore SambaPos the more I see possibilities.

I will start new topics for some other questions I have.


Hi Edgar.. For a different use of system variables you can check http://forum2.sambapos.org/index.php/topic,97.msg671.html#msg671 topic. Thanks.

Hi Emre,

Just replied on other topic


Sorry, if that has been asked elsewhere and I just could not find it, but is there any chance to disable Change Price Button? I suppose in many cases only Restaurant Manager should decide about prices (Actually I think it should be more general case than having a fish restaurant, what I understood as the reason for change-price-button to be introduced.  In case of fish restaurant itcompletely makes sense to me, but already in similar scenarios where you sell products dependent on weight, for example, it would be better solution to connect a weight to pos-system, to get price by that).  I also agree with emres view of general pattern, I for example was playing howto best configure pizzas, and it appears little more intuitiv to me, showing an add extra ingredient button, where we now have stuff like, void, gift, change price...


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