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seat numbering on one order , clock in/out for waitress,export customers list

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already thank you for your concern
-first , i just know if it's possible to assign orders to specific seat positions in ordering (after table's selecting and opening )!!!!!!and how can i configurate sambapos for it
-second  is that it is possible to use samba to have a log of departures and arrivals of cooks, waiters,cashiers and waitresses (restaurant staff)
- and finally I would like to export a list of my customers with contact already stored in my database sambapos

1. Yes - see your other thread
2. No - SambaPOS does not do staff timekeeping
3. No - but maybe through a SQL script.


--- Quote from: JohnS on July 11, 2013, 09:15:44 am ---
....."3. No - but maybe through a SQL script."

--- End quote ---
thanks for your interess but could u help me to do this with a query for example

There are a few ways to accomplish the exporting of data:

You could use the SQL Import and Export Data Wizard.

Or open up SQL Management Studio, select the table Customers. Select the top left corner of the table rows and columns to select all the table, then copy and paste into Excel.

I use Excel directly and link to the SQL Server database tables I want.  That way when I open up the Excel spreadsheet my data is refreshed and up to date as the SambaPos data.

If you wanted you could use a SQLCMD batch script to automate the collection of data and saving to an Excel csv file.


--- Quote from: lemmings on July 12, 2013, 05:32:57 pm ---There are a few ways to accomplish the exporting of data:

...I use Excel directly and link to the SQL Server database tables I want.  That way when I open up the Excel spreadsheet my data is refreshed and up to date as the SambaPos data.

If you wanted you could use a SQLCMD batch script to automate the collection of data and saving to an Excel csv file....

--- End quote ---

i prefer this solution too but how can i do to create an excel file for this solution


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