English Boards > Support

waitron name on bill and kitchen orders


Hi Superhero's

Thanks for a great product and fantastic support. I am struggling to get the waiter's name onto the bill and kitchen orders.

Currently I have this setup:

Ticket tag: Waitron
Sub tag's: waiter names

This works as when I select a table I hit the waitron button and select the name of the person serving the table. The name of the person then appears on the bottom of the ordering screen along with the guest count ticket tag I had setup.

The printer template:

<J00>Date: {TICKET DATE} | Table No: | {TABLE}
<J00>Time: {TIME} | Ticket No:| {TICKET NO}
<L00>Waitron: {TICKETTAG:waitron}
<L00>Guests: {TICKETTAG:Guest Count}

The guest count works, but the waiter name does not, see attached img.

Any ideas?


I think I fixed it for you. Ticket Tags are case sensitive.


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