Author Topic: Hardware Category On Forum  (Read 21689 times)

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Hardware Category On Forum
« on: October 12, 2012, 04:00:16 pm »
Hi Guys,

I know I am only a newbie but maybe that gives me the insight to ask this question.

Is there any chance of a separate category i support for Hardware questions,

Although I have found a lot of answers to my questions by searching through the forums, a lot of hardware questions are tucked away in a post within a post.

It might be a lot easier for newbies to be able to search through a hardware section to find out how to add a barcode scanner or a thermal printer etc. They could be sub sections for each piece of hardware.  Moving posts there would have made my setup a lot easier and quicker although as I said all the answers are there so this is no means a dig at you, It just took some digging.

I dont mind adding some of the steps I had to go through as im sure a lot of people would do as we all run into different problems with different manufactures etc.

Really enjoying the learning process on this great software.




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Re: Hardware Category On Forum
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2013, 04:58:27 pm »
If you have any hardware questions please feel free to give us a call


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