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Kitchen printer - Printing half the ticket

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Problem still exist. Its not product specific, I notice some users it works for and some users printing some products still only prints just the header.

There are too many variables here to narrow it down. #smh

So the problem is still here. Lets start from the beginning:

I have two PC's both running windows 7 (server and a waiter station)
3 printers - All Epson TM-T88III (one connected to the server and 2 connected to the waiter station)
One printer connected to the waiter station is a USB printer that is based in the kitchen - USB cable goes through the wall into the kitchen about 2m away from the waiter station which is on the restaurant side of the wall.

The two computers is connected with a cat5e cable and a home group is setup for printer sharing.
The server and the waiter station printers all function very well (Parallel cable connections) no problems at all. They are for printing bills mainly.
Both computers on input of food orders through SambaPOS is setup to print in the kitchen. And this also works from both computers, but intermittently. The main problem being that at some point it only prints the table number at the top of the ticket then stops.

 ...and this is how troubleshooting has gone so far:

I have changes the USB cable - made no difference.
I have swoped the printer out - no difference
I have upgraded the drivers to Epson Version 4 advanced
Anyone with a technical background that can help me out with some advice? I dont know where else to look to. This seems to be an Isolated problem as far as I can tell.



Can I just check ?

You have three printers, two are parallel and one is usb. All three printers are Epson TM-T88iii. So two printers are connected the waiter terminal.

The usb printer is the shared printer and the drivers have been installed on both the server and waiter PC, so therefore its shared on the server and is directly connected to the waiter station.

The two PCs I assume are connected via a router or hub.

We need to narrow this down, is it a Windows sharing issue or an issue within SambaPOS.

And you can print to the shared USB printer from the server PC through Windows with no issues - ie Windows test pages print in full.

How often does this problem happen as you say its intermittent, have you noticed if it only occurs if the waiter terminal printer is being used.

Sorry for all the questions, Iam an IT Field Engineer and as I cannot physically see your setup Im trying to get an idea of whats happening.

Those printers only have a small data buffer and therefore cannot store very much of the job in memory - which could be the reason why only part of the ticket is printed especially if the PC already has another printer connected to it.

Does the problem happen from both computers ?

Try adding a duplicate kitchen print job printing to the second printer on the Waiter terminal.
This will help to see if its a printer or print job issue.

Usually when a printer stops, it's what it's about to print that is the issue, but it could still have info buffered which a means its further down the print job.

Can you see any similarities between the half printed tickets? Items, modifiers, Waiters name?


Can you post a picture of the half printed ticket.


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