As emreeren bloged the Support Campaign hadn't hited the target of $ 50.000. I had the feeling that this campain would fail because such crowd funding things target in the case of SambaPOS the wrong audience. I hadn't said anything because I didn't want to fail it with my negative opinion. For all I know I could have been wrong.
SambaPOS shouldn't target the single restaurant-owners because they are hardly ever the tech-savy guys, which could setup SambaPOS in the first place. For this restaurant-owner the OpenSource (=ComunityEdition how some vendors name there OpenSource-Version) would be optimal.
So the main target should be in my opinion the IT-Buddy or IT-Professional which setup and support a running SambaPOS-System and want to do this on a recuring base. I think the best way would be to built a multi tier partner-network. From a small IT-Buddy to a big IT-Company which resells and supports SambaPOS all year round or even with some form of area-protection and promotion-links on the homepage with recomondation for getting a SambaPOS local support. Such higher tiered partners then have to pay yearly fees for such promotion. In this Partner-Network should also such promotionals like sales-folders of SambaPOS and extended documentations.
Another way to make money would be to offer certifications. On top of my head I could think of following certifications:
Certified POS-User => for waiters on how to use SambaPOS
Certified POS-Administrator => for changing prices and so on
Certified POS-Reseller => for beeing able to plan and successfully setup a SambaPOS-System for a customer, this would be also a requirenment for access to the Partner-Network.
Certified User-Certification-Trainer => to be able to held user and administrator certification-courses, for higher tiered partners this would be very valuable if we provide them wich such structured oportinities.
Certified POS-Hardware => higher tiered partners posibily would be required to ceritfy there hardware they want to sell to there customers.
Tested on an online-testing-platform which is controlled by SambaPOS and a nice looking certificate sent to them by mail when they have proven to have the nesesary knowlage. Ranging from $ 100 for normal users-certificate to several hundreds to the higher ones could be a nice way to make money and educate users, administrators and resellers. For the partners there would be discounts if certifications are purchased through them. Another nice way to reward partners.
A third way of making money would be to provide a framework for paid 3rd-party-addons or extensions. Provide them with a unified payment-solution where there would be some cut for SambaPOS. Also alow here OpenSource-addons for free to get a big developer comunity. The downside is that with the coding-structure SambaPOS v3 has, it wouldn't be very practible to do this now. We basicaly had to do a almost rewrite to have a mor feature-exentric framework to easily be able to extent SambaPOS nicely in a sane maner. Now it's nearly impossible to contain one new feature in one place (assembly) because of the inner structure of v3. We would have to come up with a v4 to get this of the ground in a sane manner.
With a v4 feature-exentric system it would also be easier to expand SambPOS to other braches than only restaurants. A highly exendable POS-Framework for several branches althought would be a long term target for the sake of thinking ahead.
I also think there should be a dedicated thread for ideas for peoples on how to go forward with SambaPOS.