English Boards > Support

Printers Line Character Count


Just checking, am I right in assuming that the Line Character Count in the Printer setup section relates to the line width the printer is capable of.

Iam having some errors where SambaPos shutsdown when printing which is due to totalWidth receiving a negative number, this seems to happen when long product names are used on tickets, bills or receipts so I assume that we are going over the line width of the printer (ie mine is currently set at 42).

I was looking at changing the Line Character Count is account for this but just wanted to make sure that this does relate to the printer line width

Yes there is such problem but as I can remember it only generates error for <T> tag. <J> or other alignment tags should trim long names.

Thanks. I added the ticket time to the title tag and this issue has only occured since I changed that.

I will just amend the layout.

Why would totalWidth be getting a negative parameter, cause it is quite hard to replicate I been having trouble debugging using VS Studio, at least I have an idea that its only caused by the alignment tags.


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