Author Topic: Additions to Warehouses Screen  (Read 20583 times)


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Additions to Warehouses Screen
« on: August 21, 2013, 07:18:37 am »
Looking at the whole process of a typical working day, the only time you need to enter 'Manage' is to adjust inventory. Be it purchases, or stock adjustment for wastage, etc.

Would it make more sense to have Inventory Transactions & End Of Day Records available in the Warehouses screen, or atleast have a button to add an Inventory Transaction record and to add/edit an End Of Day Record.

It would eliminate the need to access Manage->Inventory, but on the down side there would need to be a Role Permission added for 'Inventory Adjustment' so normal staff can search through inventory, but not adjust inventory.
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Re: Additions to Warehouses Screen
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2013, 08:07:31 am »
Hello John. I think you've noticed there is Document Types setting for inventory but it has no function yet. Also you can assign warehouses to entities but it does no change.

If you think accounting system Document Types adds buttons to account screens for transactions. We'll do the same for the inventory system so buttons added to warehouse screen for each document type and "Inventory Transaction Documents" will be generated in the background like "Account Transaction Documents". It will also have connections to Entities and Accounts so we'll track supplier finances. You can also create documents for recording wasted items so you can create hidden warehouses to track total waste. And like we do for accounts we'll choose default warehouse transaction document for tickets.

Until we complete these you need to enter management to record purchases or warehouse transactions. I'll try to finish that before stable release. If I add features for that kind of workarounds now I'll have to remove them later :)

Manual inventory adjustment always should be done through management.

I hope I could describe my plans for this.


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Re: Additions to Warehouses Screen
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2013, 05:14:34 pm »
Summed up nicely.
SambaPOS - POS'n the World, one Terminal at a time.