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Failure to total count Modifiers in CSR report

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When configuring multiple selection modifiers I found this problem:

I have products that are served with various sides, while POS screen appear correctly in the sales report modifiers count fails.

I add pictures of the settings screen POS and copy of the report.

I will appreciate any help or guidance to solve this detail

You are correct, there does appear to be a bug in the quantity count.

Its going to need an amendment to the code in V2.

And possibly this issue will be the same in V3 but I need to check.

Try this module.

Take a backup of the current module in your Program Files\SambaPos2 directory and replace with this.

I have just tried it on my POS and it correct displays the modifier totals when multiples are added, but this will not work if you have assigned products to modifiers they won't appear as products are  already listed and listing them again in modifiers report might be confusing.

You will need this module replaced as well

hi !

Thank you very much, :)

I downloaded the files and i'll start to check the count on report and inventory as you say when there is a product assigned

I need to put sambaPOS on production this weekend.

once again thanks, I'll keep you informed


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