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Version in sambapos 2



Install the 2.96 version as it was that I found at the following address:

but today I found that there is a version 2.99C in:

My problem is this, I have worked with version 2.96 over two months and can not find anywhere on the changes made in the new versions, except that they added new languages, my question is if I can upgrade from version 2.96 to the 2.99C without any problem?, I need the database backup before upgrading?.

I have sambapos with SQL Server Express.

Thank you for your help.

You can remove your current version and install v2.99c safely.

As always take a database backup.

The last version of  V2 had a few bug fixes and language translations.

Moving forward V3 seems quite stable now but there is not a migration tool from.V2 yet

Thank you for your quick response.
I'm using it in production, I read that the V3 is not recommended use in a production environment, you recommend me to migrate to V3 for a production environment?

I have not gone over to V3 yet, although it seems pretty stable.

I will just keep testing for issues.


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