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Print kitchen tickets separated by group or tag

(1/3) > >>

I select options in Print Job but don't print. 

is necessary to modify the template?


can you give more information?

What are you printing to?

Are you test printing?



Hi jenem,

need print order in the kitchen, but lines grouped by group code. I chose opcion in the "printing content" but don't print.

screenshot attached


Does printer anything print if you select all lines?

Does the kitchen printer print anything at all?

Have you defined kitchen printer in printers?

Has the kitchen printer been set to automatically print or set to print manually?

Just trying to think of a few options.


Hello md7rlz
That feature is useful for grouping ticket lines to a single line by their group code. For example if you sell coffee and cappuccino and if their group code is "hot drinks" you'll see a single "hot drinks" line and their sum as price. This is useful for printing invoices.

I think you want to separate individual product groups in kitchen order printouts. You can't group them on a single printout but you can print separated order printouts for individual product groups. For example Add a new "Print Mapping" on "Print Orders to Kitchen Printer" print job screen. Set first line's product group to "hot drinks" and keep second line's product group as star (*) symbol. Now SambaPOS will create one printout for hot drinks and a second printout for anything else..

Edit: As John suggested it should be done by creating a new print job for each printouts.


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