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Print kitchen tickets separated by group or tag

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I have found that unless you select a different printer for the first group, all items print on the same ticket - not two tickets.

If you duplicate the printer template and add it to the print job list aswell, then you can use the same printer and it prints two tickets.

I think ability of grouping items by their product groups on kitchen printouts would be a nice feature.. There is  no grouping support on our printer templates for now but I noted that. I'll try to find a solution.

What I have done is to create a printer template for each group that needs a separate ticket, ie entrees, main, dessert.

Then in the kitchen print job, list each as a print mapping. First would be the entrees group which would use the entrees printer template, then mains, etc.

This would print three tickets that then goes to the people that deal with that food preparation. This is of course based on having only one printer in the kitchen. If each preparation station has their own printer, then you can use the same printer template for all three, just selecting the different printers in the printer mappings.


--- Quote from: emre on January 28, 2012, 04:45:20 am ---I think ability of grouping items by their product groups on kitchen printouts would be a nice feature.. There is  no grouping support on our printer templates for now but I noted that. I'll try to find a solution.

--- End quote ---


Have you found a solution for this. I have a customer who doesn't like separate tickets printed. He would like to see all items on one ticket grouped and with a group heading and separator line.

Hi, I was thinking it as a V3 feature. If it is urgent I can try finding a solution.


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