English Boards > Support

Can not update Item quantity


I am using samba pos V 2.99. Please note that once a ticket is closed (ticket left open without being settled). If we reopen it and select any item, it does not allow for changing/updating quantity of that item.

If we add the same item by pressing the item button from the menu icons, then it gives a double entry in the printout and also on the screen.

Please advise is there a fix for it?

Thanks in advance.

Use "Merge Lines" setting on printer templates.

Thanks Emre,

It worked, however wondering is there a fix for those unused buttons for changing item quantity?

:) Add 5 coke and after submitting them to kitchen void two of them. You'll understand hot it works.

That happens when switching to SambaPOS from other software. There is a good reason for every behavior. Use it in production and trust me you'll like every features that seems like a bug to you now.

Dear Emre,

I absolutely like this program without any doubt. It has features like flexible discount %, actions and rules, nice print receipt and a lot of features not present in other programs.

Anyway thank you/team for this program and the prompt support.

Please mark the ticket as 'Resolved'.



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