Author Topic: SambaPos 2.x - IVA/Tax and Tax ID  (Read 18443 times)


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SambaPos 2.x - IVA/Tax and Tax ID
« on: September 10, 2013, 07:05:27 pm »
Hi All,

We live in a country where IVA (Tax) is already included in the price but by law must be displayed on the ticket.

So for example, if something in the system costs 4.50 the tax of 15% IVA is already included.  I need the system to automatically display the total prices as it does but also include a line that reads IVA and has the 15% of the items pricing, is there a way to do that without changing any code?

Also by law on each ticket we must have a ticket ID which has to be in a set range the local tax authority gives us.  For example, they will say, this week you need to print tickets betwen 211-000-500-001 and 211-000-500-900, so the first ticket would be 211-000-500-001 and then the next 211-000-500-002, etc. etc. 

Is there a way to print that on each ticket and have it start at the range I set?

Thank you


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Re: SambaPos 2.x - IVA/Tax and Tax ID
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2013, 07:15:09 pm »
1. If it is %15 for all products you can print %15 of the ticket amount by using expressions. For example [=Format(ToNumber('{TICKET TOTAL}')*0.15)] prints %15 of the ticket total. You can format it on ticket as you like.

2. Changing ticket numerator format should do the job. Try changing the default format as 211-000-500-###


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Re: SambaPos 2.x - IVA/Tax and Tax ID
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2013, 08:56:55 pm »
Thank you that worked perfect.

One last dilema, I am not able to get the ticket to display the change due, for example, I am able to make it show the amount paid, amount due but can't find the formatting option for change.  I tried {BALANCE} but that always prints 0.  Can anybody help?


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Re: SambaPos 2.x - IVA/Tax and Tax ID
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2013, 09:36:10 am »
Tendered and Change Due are not default features of SambaPOS. Look here for how to set it up.
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Re: SambaPos 2.x - IVA/Tax and Tax ID
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2013, 09:38:32 pm »
Thanks your great support resolved all of these issues for me.