Author Topic: Price tag selection problem if multipple table views configured.  (Read 16409 times)


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Price tag selection problem if multipple table views configured.
« on: September 12, 2013, 05:41:53 am »
I have configured different table views for different department. Each department price for items are different.
For example,
I have department for Laxury section which has table view called "Laxury Table VIew" price is relatively high here than other deparment. Means it has its own price tag
I have another department "Normal" which has table view "Normal Table view".  This department has different price-tag

Now, I can chose department, then i should chose table belongs to this department, then i can order items. It works fine.

But problem is, Table view i can select from the right side. That is even if i Normal Department is active, i can select Laxury Table view and i can order items for this table. But price tag will be chosen from the normal department. This some time leads to wrong billing.

In my view, tables are attached to department, so if there is option to change the table view (Buttons at right end) then department also should accordingly.

I am using 2.99 version.