English Boards > Support

Print when entering an expense

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First thanks for a GREAT piece of software that we use for the DutchClub here in Australia.

But there is a feature that I would really like; Once an expense is entered, I would like something to be printed. How can I make this possible?

Kind regards

There is no feature to print transactions when entered in the Cash Drawer section.

But all transactions are listed under Reports->Cash Transaction Report.

Thanks John

I've got access to Visual Studio, so if you could give me a couple of clues, I'm happy to give it a go myself. Looking for:
- Adding an action type; where to 'trigger' the action from
- Where to add extra 'letter commands' for the print template.
- Any tricky stuff I should keep an eye on.

I'm an experienced programmer in Visual DataFlex. C# is new to me, but happy to give it a go.


I don't code (anymore) so Emre and the others will need to help you on that.

V3 has these features already built-in. So if you can wait until V3 is out of Beta then your all set.

Thanks John

I know these things are hard to predict but is version 3 a while off?
Like several months, or more like weeks.

Kind regards


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