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How to add Payment Buttons in Settle/Payment Screen?

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I've started to create a new basic layout for my needs in SambaPos 3026.

I was able to setup all of my basic needs but if i test now to settle a payment there is no option except for "Close".
The buttons "Cash", "Credit Card" and "Customer Account" do not appear.

I thought that all of the "Ticket: Payment types" would show up but it seems that i'm forgetting something  ::).

Can anybody help me out?
Where are those Payment types activated in the Settle/Payment Screen?

Manage->Tickets->Payment Types

If you need payment buttons under the ticket then you need to use Automation Commands.

Thanks John, But....

That's what I thought myself. In "Manage->Tickets->Payment Types" I do have the "Cash, CreditCard and Customer account" default configuration.
I've disabled the "Voucher" by removing the mapping.

Even if i check the Database i see the 3 correct "PaymentTypeMaps".

But if I create a ticket with some sale items and Settle there will only be a huge "Close button" at the right side,  instead of "Cash, CreditCard, Customer account and Close".

Do those 3 Payment types at the right side also need a Automation Command?

The payment screen is not controlled by Automation Commands.

Did you remove anything in Accounts ? In particular, Transaction Types ?
Are you using multiple Ticket Types ?

I'm only using the default "Ticket".

And the Payment accounts are also the default "Cash, Credit Card, Voucher". I did add an extra Account "Bank Account" but that will be used with a Document type "Bank Transfer".
The same goes for the Transactions;   default "Customer Cash payment, Customer Credit Card payment, Customer Account Transaction".

For example the "Customer Cash Payment" Transaction:
Source Account type: Customer Accounts
Target Account type: Payment Accounts
Default Source Account:
Default Target Account: Cash

If I Check account details for a customer with a Account i do see the Different payment types (Including Bank Transfer) and they do work (That's releated to the Document types i guess). But they just do not appear in the Settle/Payment screen (The Tickets->Payment Types).


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