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supporting different units for different products

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In my restaurant , I sell sweets n cakes as well. For restaurant SambaPos-2 is working fine. however when customer asks for sweets or cakes i am not able to use sambapos. Because
 Quantity(unit)  is in terms of grams or kg. I can add cake or sweets as product or any other menu item and mention the price in -terms of Kg. Problem is in bill i can not see any unit.

Is there any better way to configure this kind of setup?
Is it possible to configure different unit for different product?
If not supported in version2, is it supported in version3?

You can use weighted barcodes if you have a scale with a barcode printer attached - like the Deli at your supermarket.

Another way is using quantity as the weight.
For example, sweets are $10 per 1000gms (1kg)

Create a new Product
Product Name : Sweets
Group Code : Confectionery
Portion : Normal
Multiplier : 1000
Price : 10.00

Add the product to your menu.
To use the product, enter the quantity in grams and select Sweets.

Thank you John for your quick response.
Currently I dont own bar code scanner. So before buying, I would like to know is there any reference document on using weighted barcode scanner.

Currently i am using weight as quantity. when i use the software for selling sweets, I want the units to be printed as grams/kg. and when i use in restaurant i dont need any units(printing only  quantity will suffice).


--- Quote from: imran on September 14, 2013, 09:37:54 am ---Thank you John for your quick response.
Currently I dont own bar code scanner. So before buying, I would like to know is there any reference document on using weighted barcode scanner.

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There is no "weighted barcode scanner". A weighted barcode is printed from electronic scales with the product and weight coded into the barcode for scanning by a barcode scanner.
Look here for a brief rundown on weighted barcodes http://forum2.sambapos.org/index.php/topic,685.0.html

--- Quote from: imran on September 14, 2013, 09:37:54 am ---Currently i am using weight as quantity. when i use the software for selling sweets, I want the units to be printed as grams/kg. and when i use in restaurant i dont need any units(printing only  quantity will suffice).

--- End quote ---
Units of measure is not used within SambaPOS, except for inventory in the respect of purchasing, you buy 1 carton but sell 24 items (1 carton = 24 items).

What you can use is Item Tag. When you create the product, there is a field called Tag. This is used on Printer Templates as {ITEM TAG}

Hi John

I tried ITEM TAG like u mentioned. When adding product Tag we added as Kg. And we used


--- End quote ---

But "Kg" (in place of Item Tag) doesnt get printed at all. Also when i searched through forum i found that Item Tag is used for Grouping, nt for writing any description about the item.

am i doing some thing wrong? or is there any other solution for this?


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