Author Topic: Quick payment buttons  (Read 23765 times)


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Quick payment buttons
« on: November 25, 2013, 06:14:12 pm »
I am having difficulty understanding automation features on V3. I am attempting to add quick payment buttons under the ticket window. I really have no skills in this area, but this is my best guess as to how to achieve this:

1. Create an Action: "Quick Cash" -Create Account Transaction -Sale Transaction -Amount {total}
2. Create an Automation Command: "Quick Cash" -Map to display under ticket
3. Create a Rule: "Quick Cash Rule" -Automation Command Executed -AutomationCommandName=Quick Cash -Add the following actions: Quick Cash, Update Ticket Status, Update Order Status, Update Entity State, Update Order, Update Order Status, Market Ticket Closed, Close Ticket.

Obviously this isn't correct, as nothing happens when I hit the cash button. Could someone please help out? Greatly appreciated. -Peter


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Re: Quick payment buttons
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2013, 09:23:25 am »
Would anyone be willing to implement this feature for me for a fee? I'm happy to pay whatever the going rate is for adding this and perhaps a couple other features. I can be reached at pdsluk @