Author Topic: need Info about Ticket explorer (in V 2.99)  (Read 23221 times)


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need Info about Ticket explorer (in V 2.99)
« on: December 29, 2013, 08:03:21 am »
Ticket explorer shows
1. All Tickets
2. Open ticket only
3. Account
4. Table.

First 2 seems working properly, But rest 2 I am not sure If it works properly or not.
Account: What is the meaning of this option? Should it show all the tickets assigned to some customer name (In payment window assigned balance to customer)? If so, then its not really doing this.

Table option: What is the meaning of this option? What kind of ticket does this show?

Looks like currently it is showing all the tickets which has customer name assigned and no table. is this correct?